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1082 Referees found. Showing 181 to 200 sorted by last name
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Click name for detail, incl. FIE ratings
Division Highest
USA Ratings Last Update* Most Recent Exam
Foil Epee Saber
Degeorges, Kip L. (active) New Jersey 9 9 (2017) 10 (2017) 9 (2017) 03/10/2017 12/15/2015
Deitz, Michael (active) New Jersey
Delaney, Alexander D. (active) New Jersey 6 6 (2018) 02/13/2018
Delsoin, Chelsea C. (active) New Jersey
DeRogatis, Frank (active) New Jersey
DeSola, Damian C. (active) New Jersey 9 9 (2017) 9 (2017) P (2017) 11/07/2017 11/04/2017
DeSola, Aidan J. (active) New Jersey 9 9 (2017) 9 (2017) 02/22/2018 11/07/2017
Diachenko, Aleksei (active) New Jersey 5 P (2016) 6 (2016) 5 (2016) 03/24/2016 03/22/2016
Dickinson, Raquel (active) New Jersey
Dietsche, Courtney (active) New Jersey
DiFilippo, Dan (active) New Jersey 6 8 (2018) 6 (2018) 9 (2018) 02/13/2018 10/16/2017
Dinka, Sofia (active) New Jersey
Dobbs-Schneider, Olivia (active) New Jersey 5 5 (2019) 6 (2019) 7 (2015) 03/15/2019 09/17/2017
Dominique, Remson (active) New Jersey
Dorfman, Mitchell (active) New Jersey 8 8 (2015) 01/12/2016 12/01/2015
Drew, Nicolas (active) New Jersey 7 P (2022) 7 (2022) P (2022) 05/02/2022
Drew, Christopher (active) New Jersey
Droar, Theodore (Teddy) (active) New Jersey 03/27/2016
Drovetsky, Alexandra (active) New Jersey 9 9 (2019) 07/25/2019 07/25/2019
Duffey, Jerry E. (active) New Jersey 8 8 (2017) 9 (2017) 8 (2017) 12/29/2017 07/30/2016
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* The "Last Update" column shows the most recent time that any of the ref's ratings were updated. Not all of the ratings may be of the same "freshness".